Friday, February 4, 2011

Its the love season

you always get itchy all over your body during this time.. than you'll know that you are in the season of love.. this is the season that i hate the most. its not that im an anti love concept, but i just hate to bare myself from being lonely.. you know what  hurt the most? when your friend have boyfriends and girlfriend to go out with in front of you..

they tease each other, compliment each other and... embrace each other...

but that isn't the worse case that happen in front of me.. sometimes during this very sinister season, they are not even in love but they are playing love with more than one person.. huhh.. they have choices to make? WHY??
well i know that i am not as good as my friend but i do believe that i deserve to taste the sweetness of love season.. OMG.. hate it.. sorry for the followers, maybe this isnt what you wanna hear from me but i dont know what to write anyway.. hehehhe.. sorry..

I Just Need Somebody To Love......

